Saturday, September 6, 2014

TIFF, TIFF-iquette and the sans-culottes

Here's my Facebook post from yesterday. A few discerning souls "liked" it so I hope that a PR genius working for the film festival will issue a sort of "TIFF-iquette" guide next year. The idea is his/hers almost free: comp me some tickets and we'll call it even.

Some advice for TIFF-ers: Because you bought tickets, scored a pass to a closed screening, met a Hollywood actor at a party, can recite dialogue from half a dozen foreign language films and have lots of black clothing does not make you any more important or useful than we the sans-culottes. So, don't hog the sidewalk; don't yell your pensées to each other in coffee shops - we're reading or dozing; don't cut in line; don't look through people when they say "excuse me." You get the drift. Thank you.

Here's something else I've blogged about passim ad nauseam: Local and national media need to dial back their Oh gosh! Oh golly! coverage. It's juvenile and embarrasses Hogtown, likely the first post-national city on the planet and a place growing in importance all the time (despite the Ford Follies interregnum). Who cares who spotted whom in Starbucks at the Hyatt Regency? Or which actor was seen getting into a limo after a party? Serious but unpretentious film fans shouldn't care - I consider myself among them - so let's leave the hyperventilating to the celebrity-besotted.   

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